Saturday 14 April 2012

Ancient Woodland Walk

Today we went for a lovely springtime walk in these woods near where we live, though it has to be said that it was more autumnal than springlike.  The trees are so old and gnarled they have formed amazing shapes, but then others are extremely straight and tall.

There are lots of fallen rocks amongst the trees and these ones form a perfect cave to hide in - even if you're 22 years old (one of my twin daughters)

Craggy Wood is an ancient woodland that was enclosed within a deer park from the 12th to 14th centuries, it's an amazing place to wander around - full of mystery, I often think about what the people were like who worked and lived here.

 If you find a rope swing hanging from a tree it would be rude not to have a go, wouldn't it? (my husband)
All in all we had a thoroughly enjoyable day.

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