Friday 1 February 2013

Posh New Roof

"What" you may ask "are these?"  Well, I'll tell you - they're cedar shingles that we recently got from someone who had them left over from a job.  They're used for roofing and are attached in an 'overlapping' fashion like slates to create a waterproof roof!

As you can see they come in all sorts of different widths and they have to be positioned so that there is a good overlap between the vertical edges.  I had so much fun arranging them - one horizontal layer at a time - and then fastening them down with 2 copper nails per shingle (that's 300 nails)! They are approx 18" long and each row has to be overlapped so that the nails are covered by 2 more rows, therefore leaving about 6" showing.  There's an excellent video on youtube which shows how the experts do it.

Oh, I forgot to tell you - they were used for the 'luxury' roof of my latest wood store.  I think that's 3 different versions we've created now.  You can never store too much wood!!

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