Thursday 14 February 2013

The Well Dressed Bear

Let me introduce you to my lifetime friend - Jeremy James
This is me holding him outside our house in 1971 when we were 7 years old. 

Two years later (still standing by the same wall, but I assure you I did move inbetween!)
Note how he's now wearing a dress! (it was a pale pink crimpoline with white lace trim).  Despite his very obvious male name my mum and my grandma insisted on knitting and sewing beautiful dresses for him.  His wardrobe became the envy of many teddy bears in the village.
However, as the years passed by his wardbrobe was somehow lost and so he is now a 'bare bear' again.

But not for long, because whilst browsing through the book section in the charity shop the other day I came across this wonderful book full of patterns to make 10 outfits for bears.  Well, I couldn't leave it there, so for £2 I became the proud owner of  'The Well Dressed Bear' book.  How exciting!!

Now all I need to do is find the time to make a rather dapper wardrobe for my Jeremy James.

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