Saturday 27 April 2013

Garden Wall

When we started to build the new house a couple of years ago the ground levels were changed and subsequently I had to create a new garden.  I started building my garden walls soon after, but never actually finished them. But today I can proudly announce that the last corner is now complete.  Phew!

Firstly I selected some slate from the pile of spare stuff.  There's quite a mixture of shapes and sizes but I was looking for ones that were relatively smooth on top and bottom, the width and depth didn't matter too much though as I like a random look.

Next I mixed my mortar - 4 shovels of sand to 1 shovel of cement and a bit of water.  I like mixing but it's really hard work when you get to the third mix and have beeen carrying and lifting all afternoon.  Any strong men reading this will think I'm a wimp - but I'm only small!

This is my finished wall.  I found a lovely large right angled triangle for the top corner which fits perfectly - it's really nice when that happens.  Actually I've just noticed that I need to finish the steps but I can't do that just yet.  Anyway I've filled and levelled the soil in the corner so I'll wait until that settles and then put some grass seed on tomorrow which should hopefully soon blend in with the rest of the lawn.
Now for a long hot bath - I'm overcome with weariness!


  1. It looks marvellous. I went back to view your earlier posts (some of which I had missed)and it's lovely to see how things are progressing.

  2. Thanks, can't wait till it's all complete - hopefully we'll move in during the summer - I'll be able to show you the interior photos then.
