Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Cat sat on the Mat

I received a lovely unusual email the other day from a previous customer in North Carolina.
I had sold her this Tote bag a few months ago and she told me how her cat absolutely adored sleeping on it.  The cat would push the bag over (even with books in) and make her self comfortable.

It was made from a lovely canvas that has a nice 'natural' scent to it and so it was requested for me to make a Cat Mat from the same fabric.  Always willing to please a customer, I found just enough of the left over fabric and made her this mat for her cat Chloe.

So it's now on its way across the sea.  I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of it being snoozed on!


  1. What a lovely story - and what a lucky cat! Cats always seem to love bags of any sort; I have six Maine Coons and they always seem to end up sleeping on(or in)my knitting bags. Perhaps you should start a new shop selling feline sleeping bags and mats :-)

  2. Ah, what a coincidence, this particular cat is also a Maine Coon. I don't really know anything about cats but there seems to be a theme going on here with Maine Coons and bags!
