Sunday, 4 August 2013

Edible Garden - well nearly!

I've got 7 tomato plants that my daughter grew from seed for me but I think I must have neglected them because I'm sure they should have at least some flowers on by now - if not tomatoes!  They're outdoors and have had plenty of sun, oh well,  I'll keep on waiting.

My next offering is also quite pathetic - small straggly lettuce.  To be honest this photo was taken after we had eaten the bigger leaves.  It's supposed to be the cut-and-come-again variety but it seems to be taking a while to grow back.  I'll keep on waiting.

Now, this is more like it - I didn't think that the size of this apple tree would produce this many apples let alone support them.  Last year we only got 3 apples from it, yes, the grand total of 3.
Whilst on the subject of edibles from the garden I came across this website on how to use nasturtiums
I knew that the petals could be eaten but I've never dared to try them- maybe I should, I've got plenty!


  1. Don't give up hope yet, our outside toms are a bit growth retarded too although the greenhouse plants are already producing ripe tomatoes. The beans are doing well here so too the broccoli and we have our very first ever home grown turnip!
    It is indeed amazing how many apples you have on your little tree, perhaps you should now go out foraging for berries to cook up with them. We found a few wild raspberries near the reservoir yesterday and last week came back having picked 2lbs of blackcurrants from beside a local footpath. Now we're just waiting for the blackberries to ripen. Free food is great... but having eaten a courgette flower I am not sure I'd recommend the nasturtiums!

    N x

  2. No, on second thoughts flowers just don't feel to be the things to eat!
    I too picked a bag of wild raspberries from the side of the football pitch in the village yesterday and I can't wait for the blackberries to appear - I love wild free food - although I sometimes feel a bit guilty about not leaving it for the birds, having said that, a lot of it just falls off and rots anyway doesn't it. Foraging is in our nature!
