Saturday 17 March 2012

Re-vamped folder

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to write or craft this week as I offered to work extra days to cover for a colleague who is visiting Australia.  I usually work 2 days a week at our local Museum which is a lovely calm and peaceful haven, there is also an excellent Art Gallery on the site as well which is a very handy and inspiring lunch time experience for me.

However, today when I was sorting through a few things at home I came across an old expanding file which was in excellent condition but had a very boring cover. So, true to form, I thought how can I make this more lovely?  First I dismantled it by just taking off the old cardboard front and back,

then I cut out two pieces from wrapping paper that were just a bit bigger than the cardboard pieces.  I glued these over the old card, wrapping the surplus over the edges. Next, I glued them back into their original position.  A lovely fresh spring like folder to keep my paperwork organised.

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