Sunday 11 March 2012

Banana Cake Recipe

After having written about my banana cake yesterday I thought it might be a nice idea to share the recipe. It's really quick and easy to make.

2 ripe bananas
50g marg
150g caster sugar
2 eggs
225g Self Raising Flour
pinch of salt

Mash bananas.
Cream marg and sugar together.
Beat in eggs.
Add flour, salt and banana and mix well.
Pour into a greased loaf tin
Bake in middle of oven Gas 5,  375F, 190C for about 50 mins, until golden brown, springy to touch and shrinking slightly from sides of tin.
Turn out on to a wire rack to cool.


I just thought I'd show you my 'post valentine roses', I say 'post' as I bought them for myself the day after valentine's day.  Not that my husband isn't romantic but we don't really go in for all that commercial stuff.  Plus, I like to lead a frugal life!  Anyway they're nearly 4 weeks old now - I think it must be the cold temperature of my kitchen that's keeping them going - a bit like living in a fridge.
Beautiful aren't they?

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