Friday 9 March 2012

Trough of Bowland

Well I haven't been very creative today as I had to take my sewing machine for a service - first one in 22 years.  I've been meaning to do that for ages!
So, we had a bit of a nostalgic tour on our way home.  This is a photo I took in the Forest of Bowland today, somewhere that we used to take our 3 daughters to for picnics when they were little - it's very remote and beautiful and brought back happy memories.  Although it was always warmer than today!
Our eldest daughter is now 25 and living in New Zealand for a year (so she's experiencing the warmth) and she has a blog here which is a nice way for me to see her thoughts and ideas - just another dimension to email or skype. Missing her loads.
Anyway, I've promised myself not to spend too long on this new found media, (it's quite addictive) but I've tried out linking to others and adding a picture today so I'm satisfied that I've got the hang of it.  I'll say goodnight for now.

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