Saturday 10 March 2012

Gardening & Baking

I know this is not a particularly exciting photo but when I was out in the garden today - getting rid of all the moss which seemed to be covering the soil - I was really pleased to discover that lots of little Welsh poppies were coming up.  Last year I sprinkled the seeds all over the place and many have taken. Also my first colour in the garden this year - purple crocus. I think we're a bit behind the rest of the country with our growing season!

All this fresh air called for some home baking.  Now, like quite a few people I know, I am a bit afraid of bananas.  That may sound daft but I can't cope with the smell!  However, my family do like banana cake so I braced myself and mashed the bananas - at arms length - and hey presto I survived.

Sorry that the photos are a bit dark but it was getting quite late in the afternoon by then.  Still no sewing machine so I'm trying to be creative in other ways.  Bye for now.

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