Saturday 19 May 2012

Our New House

Over the next few days I thought I would show you photos of our house building process.  We started about 2 years ago and are doing it all ourselves - a proper self-build.  My husband designed, drew and submitted all the plans (we have no architect) and then when they were approved we were ready to start.  First of all we had to demolish a small extension on our current house (as we are building in the garden) and then measure and mark out the levels for the foundations.  A chap we know then came with a digger to help with the heavy work.  There were all the drains to position and lay, blocks, concrete and hardcore to go in and then as you can see from the picture above - a layer of sand to put down (that's me!)

After the sand went a damp proof membrane, a wire re-inforcing mesh, a layer of concrete, a layer of insulation and another damp proof membrane.  PHEW! 

We were then able to lay down all this underfloor heating pipe which had a layer of screed on top and that was our finished floor level.  Who would have thought that all these layers were hidden under our feet?
More photos tomorrow!

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