Monday 14 May 2012

Orchids and Cowslips

One day last week my husband and I met up with our twin daughters and had a fantastic walk by the coast quite near to where we live.  This particular field was full of orchids and cowslips, among other wild flowers. It's sad to think that there are not that many places like this around any more - so, so beautiful.
The photos don't do these flowers justice but they are a lovely reminder of a spring day.

This is us, full up of picnic food. We put the camera on timer mode and had to take about half a dozen pictures because our dog Skye kept getting in the way - lots of close ups of tail, nose, ear etc. so this is the best of a bad bunch!
It's been pouring down with rain all day today and looks like it's set in for the week so no more picnics for a while I'm afraid.  Hope your weather is being kind to you where ever you are.

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