Monday 21 May 2012

The Round Chimney

After we had put the roofing felt and battens on the roof to make it waterproof it was time to complete the chimney.  It's traditional in our area of the Lake District to have a round chimney stack.  Some are rendered and some are slate.  We are endeavouring to have as many traditional features as possible in our building to stop it looking like a new 'box' and so we decided on a round slate chimney.  As I am the one who can build in random slate it was my job to go up onto the ridge and attempt this construction.  I have to say that I was a bit apprehensive at first because it's a very long way up (and down) but once James had built me an extra bit of scaffolding I gained confidence. This is the result:
I had carried the slate up the scaffolding ladder in a bucket, 4 pieces at a time and laid them out on the platform and then the bucket of mortar.  I can tell you I was tired out before I began! James then finished it off with a circular stone on top of my slates and a pot on top of that.  I had loads of strange looks from passers by who wondered what on earth a woman was doing up there but also loads of admiration too. At the risk of blowing my own trumpet I have to say that we're very pleased with the finished job.
This is one of my daughters mixing mortar, I believe it's one of those life skills that we should all have!!!!!  (oh, she's wearing my shirt).

  And this is me driving the dumper truck - great fun! (That's our old house in the background).

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