Saturday 15 September 2012

Kindle Cases

Just thought that I would show you some of the Kindle cases that I made last week. They are all made from a strong furnishing cotton on the outside, a co-ordinating cotton on the inside and interlined with a thick batting to protect the Kindles. I made eight of them from different fabrics and put some into my Folksy shop and some into my Etsy shop.

It was a lovely warm Autumnal day today in the Lake District.  James and I moved about a tonne of rubble and sand to make way for a wood store that we are going to make tomorrow.  There's still lots of work to do inside our new house before we move in but we need to get the wood store organised first so that we have lots of nice dry fuel for the wood burner through the winter.
We also made time to go for a walk up on the hill and picked loads of Blackberries.  These will be made into jam tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to show you a nice line of jam pots then.

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