Tuesday 11 September 2012

Pfaff 30 - New Home for Old Machine

A few days ago I brought back home my mum's old sewing machine - a Pfaff 30. She had bought it second hand in 1955 when she was 21 and it had been used constantly up until she died 10 years ago.
It still runs like a dream and I am really, really happy to have it with me.  I keep having a little play with it - just for the love of it; it's what I learned to sew on myself as a teenager.
Here are a few things that I found in one of the drawers of the machine table:
A gingham heart that is partly stuffed but not sewn up yet.
The start of a coil of French knitting on a wooden spool.
The beginnings of a wooden bead necklace in an old envelope.
If only mum had found the time to finish her many projects - she always had a variety of crafts on the go - drawing, printing, stencilling, painting, sewing, knitting, crotchet, tatting, gardening, in fact any creative thing you can think of, mum had a go.
Oh, I also found this piece of emery paper with a line of stitching across - I wonder if she thought that it would sharpen the needle by sewing through it?
Happy Days!


  1. I found a Pfaff 30 in our attic during our recent move from a house that we had lived in for 30 years. The machine did not belong to us, so it must have been in the attic from the previous owners. It is a simple and very sturdy machine. I can appreciate it because my mother was a seamstress and is also a very creative person. She is 84 and still sewing.

  2. I found a Pfaff 30 in our attic during our recent move from a house that we had lived in for 30 years. The machine did not belong to us, so it must have been in the attic from the previous owners. It is a simple and very sturdy machine. I can appreciate it because my mother was a seamstress and is also a very creative person. She is 84 and still sewing.

    1. It was lovely to receive your comment, thank you.
      These machines are wonderful aren't they, I like to think that mine will gone on for ever and be passed down through my generations, inspiring lots of creativity. I hope that I am still sewing and able to do all the other lovely crafty stuff that I enjoy when I'm 84 too!

  3. I brought home my mothers Pfaff 30, I don't need a manual, because I used it when I was a teenager. I Love the machine, it 's a piece of Art, everything ist so precise and fine made.
    For me it's the most important heritage from my Mom. Especially because most of her stuff got lost when she stopped to be independent.

  4. I have 4 machine tops. Will get it at very low price. Contact me .. shyamsharmachikhli.SS@gmail.com
