Saturday 22 September 2012

The Sewing Room

At last I have my new sewing room up and running. Yeh! It makes me SO Happy!
All my haberdashery, stationery, bits and bobs and crafty things are stored in these drawers.  Then there's a shelving unit for my fabrics (although you can't see the shelves for the collection of fabrics).
Smaller pieces of fabric are in the 4 new baskets - velvets, silks, tweeds and special pieces.  I also have a long narrow sideboard where I can organise my order of  'projects to do'.
Next is my cutting out table and sewing machine, you can see that it's bathed in sunlight under the velux window.  Note the emergency waste bin that I made yesterday, it works really well.
And just around the corner is my mums old sewing machine and a basket of  'fabrics with no particular category yet'.
I've spent all day up here as there was nobody at home today, I managed to make 9 new bags but was so wrapped up in my new experience that I forgot to have lunch.  Oh well I think a large bit of chocolate will suffice for now as it's just about time to start cooking for my tribe!

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