Sunday 9 September 2012

Tiny Harvest Time

I wish there were more hours in the day as not only can I find enough time to do the many things I want to do, I can't find the time to write about them either.  It's about 3 weeks since my last blog!
I did a spot of harvesting this morning and I just had to show you these beauties that I'd grown from seed because I am really pleased with them.  When I tried growing carrots last year my efforts were about 3cm long - these are HUGE.
I think that I'll just have to sew some little trousers for this one, in case it runs away!

This is my only other produce this season - well actually there are TWO of them, yes the large quantity of TWO apples.  I have heard many other people say that their apple crop is poor this year but I'm sure nobody else only grew this tiny amount.  I'll have to find a special occasion to sample the taste but they do look rather good!

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