Tuesday 30 October 2012

Winter Woolies

I took a couple of days holiday from work this week and finished off some garments that I had started recently but not got around to completing.  I didn't actually take the days off so that I could sew all day (honest), I just needed to take them before the end of the year.  Anyway, this is a brown wool jacket that will go well with lots of my other clothes - it's not lined but hopefully it will be warm enough with layers underneath.

This is a green version of the brown cardi that I knit during the summer.  I started this one straight after the other but wasn't really motivated until this week, plus I couldn't find buttons I liked until now.

And this hat was inspired by the socks which I rediscovered from last year (shown in my last post).  I remembered that I had some left over wool, not enough to knit a hat but enough for a crotched one.  It was really quick to do - just trebles for the body and a row of doubles around the rim.  I made it up as I went along, starting with 14 stitches around the first row and gradually increasing each of the next 6 rows until 56 stitches.  I then just kept on with the same number of stitches row after row until it looked right.  It actually looked quite ridiculous as I kept trying it on for size and my husband probably wondered what on earth I was trying to produce, but I'm pleased with the result.

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