Friday 12 October 2012

Inspirational Sewing Book

I received this fantastic sewing book as a gift this week.  Here are a few more photos from inside:

It's a Japanese book that I have been looking at for a while but hesitated to get because up until now I have always made my own patterns or adapted existing ones.   However, I feel that I am stuck in a rut regarding clothes and need some new inspiration.   This book has 8 basic patterns that can be adapted to make 25 garments so it's right up my street.  I love playing around with patterns so I may even find more than 25 options! 
I was so excited by it that I decided to look at other Japanese sewing patterns and found some on Etsy which I have put onto a new Pinterest board.
I now need to go fabric shopping, (but in moderation as it's easy to get carried away with fabric isn't it?)

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