Thursday 29 November 2012

A Frosty Day

I'm glad that I took my camera with me whilst out walking with my dog this morning.  There had been such a deep frost that everything was touched with this beautiful white furry covering.  In fact I should have been out earlier - it would have been even whiter and more furry.  The frost really enhances the shapes and makes anything it touches more vivid - I love the sharp contrast of the veins standing proud on the leaves.

With all the rain we have had this past couple of weeks a large pond had formed in the field behind our house. Today it had turned into what I can only describe as a skating rink. This photo is just around the edge where it is rather thin with the grass peeping through, but if these icy temperatures persist I've a feeling that I'll have to don my skates and venture out there. (It's quite safe as it's only about 12" deep in the middle.) How exciting!!

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