Monday 19 November 2012

Tweed and Roses

I had a very productive sewing day this weekend.  I shut myself away in my sewing room and played around with lots of pieces of tweed that I had acquired.  Some were big enough in themselves to make into bags and some had to be joined together.  I ended up cutting out and sewing 10 bags.  These were some that I put in my Etsy shop and Folksy shop.
I love the look and feel of woollen tweed, the colours are always pleasing, it's beautiful to cut through and sews together like a dream, so a very happy afternoon was had!

Whilst walking back to the house I noticed this beautiful rose which was blooming just outside my kitchen window, so because it was a wet and windy day I popped it into a vase so that it would be protected inside the kitchen instead.  I'm hoping that the other buds will come out but I'm not so sure as I think it is a little bit confused - trying to bloom in November is not usual!

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