Monday 21 January 2013

Birthday Socks

It was the 70th birthday of my dear friend this weekend.  I was wondering what to make for her for quite a while because like me she is a great fan of sewing and has a wonderful stash of fabric, so therefore I didn't want to make her something that she could sew for herself but I wanted to make her something unique and personal.  Then I thought, Ha, Ha! She doesn't knit.

So, here is the finished product.  I love this yarn and the fact that it turns out as a beautiful 'fair isle' design by just using the one strand. Amazing!
My friend had recently pointed me in the direction of a website which shows many different ways of how to wrap presents in fabric.  It's a Japanese method called furoshiki.  I thought that it would be appropriate to use this technique for her new socks; this is the result - quite pleasing I thought.  Many happy returns Sue. x

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