Saturday 19 January 2013

Pear and Date Chutney

At the supermarket today I came across a couple of punnets of pears for only 15 pence.  You can imagine my delight!  They needed using quickly so I thought the best way was to make some chutney.  I had some dates left over from christmas so the only other thing I needed to purchase was some malt vinegar (which is very cheap.)
Here is my recipe in case you too come across some fruit that needs a purpose in life.

Pear and Date Chutney
800g pears
200g dates
160g sultanas
2 small onions
1 apple
240g brown sugar
350ml malt vinegar

Peel and chop the pears, onions and apple quite small.  Chop the dates also.
Place in a large heavy bottomed pan along with the sultanas, sugar and vinegar.
Heat slowly at first, stirring all the time until the sugar has dissolved.
Bring to boil then turn the heat down until the mixture is just simmering away nicely, stirring occasionally to stop it from sticking.
Continue cooking for approx 45 mins or until the chutney is ready; this is when the mixture has thickened up and if you draw a wooden spoon through it there will be no visible liquid.  This simmering time will vary according to the amount of heat used.
Have 5 jars warming in the oven and then pour the mixture in as soon as it is ready.  Put the lids on and make some pretty labels.

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