Friday 18 January 2013

New Candles from Old

It's quite a while since my last post, in fact this is the first one of 2013 - so Happy New Year to you all (it's never too late to wish happiness).
Whilst tidying the house after Christmas I came across lots of little stubs of candles, you know the sort - 1" tall and not worth lighting again!  So, I decided to melt them all down together and make one large candle.
It's really easy, you just put the bits into an empty tin can, place that in a saucepan of hot water and heat it on the stove till all the wax melts.  Be careful not to let it get too hot!!

My mould was just a cardboard kitchen roll tube which I fastened some tin foil around the bottom to stop the wax coming out.  A length of wick was then weighted down at the bottom with a blob of bluetack and secured at the top onto a knitting needle (or pencil).

 I then carefully poured the melted wax into the tube and left it to set for a couple of hours.  The cardboard was then peeled off to reveal a beautiful new candle. Tah Dah!

It's turned out to be a pale pink colour which is strange because all the candles were white and also it doesn't look like it smells!  Its scent is a mixture of Cinamon, Nutmeg, Ginger and Orange - strange but lovely and cosy.

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