Wednesday 27 February 2013

Skirt Bag

I had found a brown suede mini skirt in the charity shop sometime last year and instantly thought "that would make a wonderful bag".  However, it has taken some months to actually get around to cutting into it.  When I eventually did, it was remarkably quick and easy to do -  I removed the zip and sewed up the gap, then I cut two strips from around the bottom edge to make handles.  These strips were folded and sewn along the long edges and then sewn into position on the top edge.  The bottom edges were then sewn together and a lining added.

Unfortunately, when sewing the lining fabric to the top edge of the suede there was quite a bit of movement and I wasn't happy with the result.  I didn't want to unpick it because the suede would have been full of tiny holes where the needle went through.  So, whilst rummaging in my box I came across this length of braid that was a good co-ordinating mix of colours and stitched that over the offending stitching.  Serendipity wouldn't you say? 

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