Thursday 14 March 2013

Back from Holiday!

Well, that was more of a mini break than a holiday wasn't it?
You see I had thought that my life was too busy, with a shortage of time, and that by not writing my blog would mean that I could fit everything in.  However, I still have loads of things that I want to tell you about and not writing or photographing them has proved to be rather frustrating- so I'll continue my blog.  There, I'm instantly happier!!
But also, a very important factor in my 'change of mind' was seeing the lovely comments from a reader - and learning that she would miss reading my ramblings.  If I can even just fill a tiny part of someone's life with a little bit of interest then it's an achievement for me and well worth the time.

So, back in the swing of things again - here's a little picture of some Muscari that Emily gave me for Mothers Day, with perfectly matching zig zag braid around the jar - beautiful and thankyou.


  1. So sweet, so simple, so classic - a bit like your Blog - and what could be nicer?

  2. Glad you like them! Emily xxx
