Saturday 23 March 2013

Malt Loaf

Actually it turned out NOT to be Malt Loaf.
After watching a bread making programme on TV this week I decided to try making a different type of loaf than my usual brown one.  I must point out at this stage that I always use my breadmaking machine - I love the idea of kneading by hand, however, my skin can't cope with the flour - shame!
Anyway, I started measuring and pouring the ingredients into the machine until I got to the malt extract and guess what? I had no malt extract.  I don't know what made me think I did! 
I carried on regardless and surprisingly got a rather pleasing result.  I think the black treacle helped to create an illusion of possible maltness.

Whilst still warm I sliced some and spread it with butter - after all, it had been snowing all day so what could be nicer with a mid afternoon cup of tea?
And later on we tried it toasted for our supper with a mug of hot chocolate (because it was still snowing you understand).  James said that it didn't taste very 'malty' and maybe next time I should put in a bit more malt extract !! But he still enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. I think your un-malt loaf looks marvellous! We watched the bread programme too and my bread maker, who I call Brian (he is multi purpose, can wash the dishes, and even brew a superb pot of tea...!), made the white bloomer using unbleached organic flour. It was delicious with salad, egg mayo or just spread with butter and jam... but best of all was good old cheese on toast. Nothing beats comfort food on a snowy, blowy day.
    I wonder what we'll make after this weeks show...? N x
