Friday 29 March 2013

Indigo Inspired Day

This old linen jacket was given a new lease of life today with a satchet of indigo dye.  It used to be a pale natural colour - as you can see from the bottonholes which didn't take the dye.  However, I rather like the contrast so I don't mind them being different.  It was incredibly creased when it dried so I have given it a good pressing and all I need to do now is to find some nice buttons.

I couldn't bear to throw the dye out when I had finished so I looked through my wardrobe for something else to re-vamp.  This old hemp T shirt was no longer very white so I thought it a perfect candidate.  It's a couple of shades paler and the stitching didn't take again but I'm still pleased with the result.

I thought that there may still be a bit of life left in the dye so I soaked a piece of white muslin in it for 15 mins and just as I suspected I got a very pale blue.  I have plans for this piece of fabric so watch this space!

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