Sunday 11 August 2013

Kitchen Improvisation Part 1

"What on earth is she going to do with that old thing?" you may ask.  Well, it was just lying around and happens to be the perfect size for the next old thing that was lying around in the photo below.

This old sink came with us from our last but one house 5 years ago.  If we had found the time to tidy up and throw some things away I'm sure this would have gone to the tip, but fortunately we kept it, and so along with the orange bucket (that has lost it's handle) I have created an al fresco washing up area - Ta Dah!

There's no running water connected but I have plenty of containers - it will be just like camping without kneeling down on the grass - luxury!!  I'm hoping to have the kitchen fitted out properly within a month but I'm quite happy with this arrangement for now, there will be electricity indoors so I'll be able to boil the water in the kettle and fill up my little old sink - I do like finding solutions to problems - but, I wish we were just starting the summer instead of it coming to an end.  Never mind, a few leaves in the dish water won't do any harm!

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