Saturday 10 August 2013

The Countdown Begins

The pressure is now on as we need to move into our new house in two weeks time.  Arrgghhhh!
As you can see from the picture above we're not quite ready.  This is the kitchen with me cutting lengths of wood to go into the ceiling to support the plaster boards.  Millimetre accuracy required!

Here is James fastening them in.  So, all we have to do now is finish off the electrics, the plumbing, insulation in the ceiling, plasterboard the ceiling and walls and put an extractor fan through the outside wall.  Phew!  All in 2 weeks.  There won't be time to fit the kitchen units and sink but I'm not worried about that - I have a plan - I'll show you tomorrow.

I also moved the laundry maid (clothes drier) out of the old house and gave it a new home under the wood shed - I rather like it here because there is a good through draught but it's also under cover.  I was thinking that this would be a temporary spot but I think it might stay there.

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