Thursday 26 July 2012

Fabric Connections

I considered myself very lucky today as I was given two gifts by a very kind lady whom I am just getting to know.  One of them was a large amount of this Ianthe design Liberty fabric
I was lost for words because I instantly realised a connection with another sewing friend of mine.  Let me explain because I absolutely love coincidences, I'm sure they have a deep meaning.
About 16 years ago when my children were at primary school I used to stand waiting in the playground alone as I didn't know anyone.  There was another mother there who also stood alone most of the time.  We used to smile at each other and I always thought that she seemed nice but we never said anything more than 'hello'.  Until one day when my twins were wearing their newly made duffle coats lined with a Laura Ashley fabric and Helen was wearing a dress that she had made from identical fabric.  This was our starting point and despite the fact that I moved away 11 years ago we are still the best of friends and meet up for fabric shopping and coffee whenever we can.  If it wasn't for the fabric connection that day we may never have got to know each other!
Now, the coincidence here is that Helen's sitting room curtains are made from this same Liberty fabric which gives me a really satisfying feeling - it all makes sense if you know what I mean.  Our love of similar fabrics is bringing me close to another good friend.
And this is the other gift from my new friend - a useful little purse in a very pretty fabric.

I just thought that I would now show you my old church pew that has stood outside for the past 3 years and I have just recently cleaned, sanded and oiled. It is perfect for the outdoor photography of my new bags and purses, but eventually it will go inside the kitchen of our new house.

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