Sunday 12 May 2013

Second Hand Fabric

Just thought that I would show you my latest bargain purchase of fabric yesterday.  I wasn't really looking for fabric (actually that's not true - I'm always looking for fabric) but when I went into a charity shop in town and realised that somebody must have been having a clear out of sewing related stuff I was delighted.  There were spools of unused threads - admittedly unusual colours - but I couldn't resist.  Then there was this piece of charcoal needlecord, only half a metre but 60 inch wide; I thought a pleated skirt on a yoke with the yoke cut along the horizontal stripes would be rather nice, only £1.49 as well!
Then, the most lovely piece of fabric in the whole wide world to me - indigo blue linen!!  OK I may be alone in my happiness (my husband certainly can't understand the excitement of finding such fabric) but to me it's the ultimate prize. 
I washed them both as soon as I got home and they're still damp in these photos, so they probably don't look too inspiring to you.  My blue linen was only 2 metres long unfortunately (cheap at £2.49 though) so my biggest problem is what to make.  There's enough for dress, shirt, pinafore, skirt or trousers - but not all - I'll have to see what I can squeeze out of it.
Here's a close up with a better depiction of colour for our indulgence.  Garments will follow shortly I hope!


  1. What an incredible bargain!I'm looking forward to seeing what you can make from these pieces.

    N x

  2. Ooh, I just can't decide!
