Sunday 19 May 2013

Short Cuts

I was following a woman through town yesterday morning -  well I wasn't actually following her, just going in the same direction - and I was inspired by her skirt!  I came straight home and thought "that's exactly what I need to do with those two old skirts in the wardrobe."  You see I have these linen skirts that I can't possibly part with because, well, they're linen.  I haven't worn them for a few years because they're ankle length and look rather dated now.  So, here's the solution.
 I cut the skirt about 2 inches above knee length and hemmed it.  Then I cut a piece about 4 inches wide from the bottom of the bit I'd cut off, therefore utilising the existing hem.  I had to take it in a bit down the back seam to make it the same width as the newly shortened skirt, and then I placed it underneath and inside the skirt and stitched it in place to create a layered effect.
My other skirt then had a similar treatment but with a slight variation.  I gathered the bit that was to go underneath and then added some bias gingham tape that I had.
I can now wear these skirts with thick coloured tights and boots until we get our summer!

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