Wednesday 31 July 2013

Custom Order

I had a brown and a green version of this little purse in my Etsy shop and a lady asked me if I could make it in the blue wax - so always willing to oblige, I produced this one for her.
She also asked if I ever made card cases - so I sewed up two examples, photographed them and she chose the plain one - I'll put the striped one in the shop now I think (although it's really cute and I may keep it!!).  So, now there's a little parcel on it's way to Ohio.

Thursday 25 July 2013

A Royal Visit

A few days ago we had a very exciting event in our village - the Queen came to visit us!  It was a scorching hot day and despite wearing hat, gloves and coat she looked very cool and relaxed.

Princess Anne was also with her - The Queen was in green and Anne was wearing yellow.

I couldn't resist this shot of her very coordinated out riders - precision biking!

Yesterday James was working in Keswick, which is about an hour drive from where we live, so my brother in law and I took the opportunity to go with him for a walk and picnic.  Another really hot day.  This is us at Castlerigg Stone Circle - there are the most amazing views from here - a panorama of mountains everywhere you look.  I should have taken some more photos but I was just marvelling at being there!

Saturday 20 July 2013

Waxed Canvas Wallets


I've just listed these two zipped cases in my Etsy shop.  They're a good useful size for keeping all sorts of bits and pieces together.  I think that I'll now go and make them in the other two colours of waxed canvas that I have.  I also need to make one for myself too - I can't resist!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Cat sat on the Mat

I received a lovely unusual email the other day from a previous customer in North Carolina.
I had sold her this Tote bag a few months ago and she told me how her cat absolutely adored sleeping on it.  The cat would push the bag over (even with books in) and make her self comfortable.

It was made from a lovely canvas that has a nice 'natural' scent to it and so it was requested for me to make a Cat Mat from the same fabric.  Always willing to please a customer, I found just enough of the left over fabric and made her this mat for her cat Chloe.

So it's now on its way across the sea.  I'm looking forward to seeing a photo of it being snoozed on!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Funny Little Biscuits

I came across this old recipe in a local Lakeland Recipe book and thought I'd give it a try.  It didn't turn out as expected, but still, the taste was good.  The instructions suggested that when all the ingredients were mixed together, the dough should be rolled out and a biscuit cutter used.  However, there was no way that rolling could be achieved - only spoonfuls could be made, so, they're all funny blob shapes!

Here is the recipe, just in case you want to give it a try:

Windermere Spice Biscuits
4oz marg or butter
4oz sugar
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon mixed spice
6oz plain flour

Set oven to 180C or Gas 4.
Beat butter and sugar together in bowl until fluffy.
Add beaten egg, salt, mixed spice and sieve in the flour.
Place spoonsful on greased baking sheet and bake for about 20 mins.
Cool on a wire rack
Makes approx 30.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Cutlery Roll

I saw this idea in a library book ages ago but I can't remember which one.  Anyway, it's basically a tool roll but for knives, forks and spoons.  It's made from a Tea Towel and it's so quick and easy as there's no cutting or finishing off raw edges.
All that you need to do is to lay the cloth out flat, then fold up the bottom along the long edge so that it will just cover the handles of the cutlery.  Next, lay out the cutlery along the cloth and pin the fabric into evenly spaced pockets accordingly.  Stitch these pockets through both thicknesses of fabric, then when you put the cutlery back in to the pockets the top section will fold over to cover them so that the whole thing can be rolled up and fastened with a ribbon or string.

It's great because the dirty cutlery can be put back in after the picnic and when you return home the cloth can just be thrown into the washing machine (remove cutlery first of course!). 
Perfect for days out in the sun!

Sunday 7 July 2013

A Little Celebration

It was our 28th Wedding Anniversary yesterday, so to celebrate I cut these beautiful scented roses from the garden and placed them in the kitchen.  Their scent is so strong that I smell them every time I walk through. Not sure if James appreciates them like I do though!

Next I made some Banana and Pumpkin seed muffins - I usually make soft bananas into loaf cakes but came across this Australian recipe and thought I'd give it a go.

And to finish with on this hot summer day I made some lemonade. So easy, you just squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, then put that aside.  Put the cut lemons into a jug with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 pint of boiled water.  Leave to cool, stirring occasionally, then when cold add the lemon juice, pour through a sieve and drink!
What a lovely day.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Whitby Camping Trip

I was just looking through some photos and realised that I hadn't shown you our recent little holiday.  It was a couple of weeks ago, the weather was brilliant and there was a slot of 4 days when we didn't really have any plans - so camping was the obvious choice.
This was the wonderful view of the sunset over Whitby when we had just finished pitching our tent.

Here are Imogen, Lorna and me having just climbed the 200 steps up to Whitby Abbey.  For those of you who don't know, Whitby is supposed to be where Dracula's ship landed when he came to our shores!! (I really wasn't worried, honestly)

An evening stroll through the village where we were camping - I think it looks rather French.

On our way back home we drove through the Yorkshire Dales and stopped here for our picnic and a spot of paddling.  It's a little place called Keld, in Swaledale, absolutely beautiful.
So a lovely short holiday was enjoyed by all.  It was particular nice because it was where we used to go when the girls were small, so lots of happy memories as well.